Language Arts
The student will:
- Select literature based on personal needs and interests from a variety of genres.
- Locate and use library media resources to acquire information.
- Use prewriting tools such as brainstorming and graphic organizers.
- Describe literary elements such as characters, plot, setting and story problems.
- State a main idea and support it with facts and details.
- Support explanations with evidence from text.
- Take notes to record facts and details.
- Use correct punctuation, spelling, grammar and capitalization.
- Learn and use the writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, proofreading).
- Use appropriate vocabulary when writing and speaking.
- Speak and write in grammatically correct sentences.
- Be able to write a friendly letter using the appropriate format.
- Deliver a short oral presentation.
- Respond respectfully to oral presentations.
The student will:
- Understand place value by reading, writing, ordering and comparing.
- Have instant recall of addition and subtraction to 18.
- Tell time to the minute and understand elapsed time.
- Read and interpret graphs.
- Know a variety of estimation skills and strategies.
- Read and write decimals.
- Learn multiplication and division facts through the 10 times table.
- Explore and understand probability.
- Be familiar with math vocabulary.
- Solve number sentences with missing information.
- Find area and perimeter of geometric shapes.
- Solve word problems using various strategies.
Social Studies
- The Social Studies curriculum is currently being reviewed to align it with the New York State standards.
The student will:
- Investigate major stages in life cycles.
- Understand that living things depend on each other and their physical environment.
- Use scientific process skills.
- Observe and describe properties of matter.
- Investigate electricity and magnetism.