CLS parents are very active in the PTSO (Parent Teacher Student Organization). Our annual Fall Festival is a Saturday, early in the year, filled with games, crafts, food and entertainment open to the entire community. Our PTSO coordinates the Book Fair, School Pictures and other special school events. The PTSO supports the Arts in Education Activities and Teacher Grant Programs. Hundreds of parent volunteer help in the school and classrooms in a variety of ways throughout the year. This year they are bringing back the Back To School Block Party at the mini-park near RHS/BMS.
Several parents participate in the CLS Building Level Planning Team (BLPT), a shared-decision making team made up of parents, teachers and the building principal. The BLPT supported school planners for grades 3-4-5, assisted in the implementation of full day kindergarten and other options for school program improvement, is responsible for the CLS Safety Plan, established the summer reading program, organized a Bus Driver Appreciation Breakfast, and helped in making the cafeteria menu a more healthy one. Most recently, we worked on a school-wide initiative to recognize positive behavior among our students (A Common Language For All), as well as implementing a system for Peer Mediation which will allow our students and supporting staff to interact with each other in a positive way around conflict resolution.